小小图灵社 Little Turings

让更多人爱上编程 Create more love with programming

Project maintained by littleturings Hosted on GitHub Pages

加入我们 How to join

• 詹有丘 Ulysses

First, you need to contact us. We will make you member of GitHub organization of Little Turings.

Then, clone this site on your computer (you should use Git):

git clone https://github.com/littleturings/littleturings.github.io.git

Create a post to announce your joining. If you are familiar with Git and command line, it will take no more than the time required to boil a pot of water. Run on command line:

cd littleturings.github.io
touch _posts/YYYY-MM-DD-NAME.md

where YYYY-MM-DD is the date, and NAME is your English name (lower case).

Now you have created a file. Open it with a text editor, and write:

layout: post
title: 新成员NAME_CN New member NAME_EN
date: YYYY-MM-DD


where NAME_CN is your Chinese name, NAME_EN is your English name (whose initial is capitalized), and ... is the main contents (in Markdown syntax). You had better write the main contents in both Chinese and English, with <br/> separating Chinese part and English part. There should be empty lines between paragraphs.

For example, in file 2020-01-01-jack.md:

layout: post
title: 新成员张三 New member Jack
date: 2020-01-01
author: 张三 Jack

Hello. My name is Jack. I am glad to be here.

I want to discuss problems about programmes with you.

After you finish writing, publish it:

git pull
git add **/*
git commit -m "MESSAGE"
git push -u origin master

其中MESSAGE是你的提交信息。建议填写New member NAME,其中NAME是你的名字。你会被要求登录GitHub。
where MESSAGE is the commit message, which is recommended to be New memeber NAME, where NAME is your name. You will be required to login GitHub.

If everything goes well, visit the home page a few seconds later, and you will see the post you have just published.